Tuesday, October 03, 2006


還是黃金週 , 差不多所有店舖都把圖旗掛上..我也想要一支紀念 . 但原來賣國是要得到國家批准的. 不想其他國家 , 一般賣紀念品的地方都可以買 . 有個趙先生說可找人代訂 , 不過要假期後了.

不知貴不貴呢....那個趙先生還有何需要都可找他 , 要車啦...甚麼啦....中國就 '個體戶' 都是這樣的了....哈哈...


Anonymous said...

WHO is 趙生? Is he honest? zuzu would love a flag of China, hmm..... Whao.....you are so brave to try manicure, is it save and the tools are clean?

Sugar Baby said...

well... i saw the girl sterilizing the tools with alcohol (i think)..and it isnt any big thing...the one i went to is a very normal one.. seems very safe la...heee..anyway... just feel fine with this... so new to me which i havent done this before la.

Mr 趙 is a man i saw on the lobby of my dorm.. i dont know if he is reliable... and i think he is only a normal business man...and seems that the front desk know him too. those business men (black cab man) always get together outside the dorm to wait for the deals.